Saturday, November 20, 2010

La deuxieme partie

Well, it was all very anti-climatic really, Dr. P had not received the necessary info about Eliot's test and was very: it could be this but if it's not then we can do this, or we can not...
Yep, less is not more right now! Anyway, looks like the molars have begun to invade both Henry and Eliot's mouths and they are not happy (read: Matt and I are not happy). It is really hard to console the inconsolable; nothing is working it just hurts Mama and Dada!!!! We are not opposed to tylenol or anything that stops the pain, still, they hurt.
We are trying to be optimistic about life and things in general but I must admit I am feeling more Bitchy Barbara than Susie Frickin Sunshine, that is okay, that is life. I went for a pedi today which somehow seemed to make things a little brighter. Something about bubbling warm water and polish that can pick a girl up.
I am looking forward, looking up, trying to see the light at the end of the proverbial paper-towel roll.

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