Sunday, November 6, 2011

Better a tooth out than always aching. Thomas Fuller

Yep, got my wisdom tooth pulled out yesterday. It was an emergency affair and rather painful at the onset. While it was quickly yanked, the Novocaine has worn off today and it is a tad bit throbby. Generally I am feeling quite tough:)

Needless to say, been busy! Class is now halfway completed. I have scored ever so much better than I could have imagined. I usually have a rather poor perception of my own ability to succeed, I suppose in my younger years those fears were grounded in a rather long string of failures. Looking back now, all of the school issues and the multiple expulsions from various places were, in fact, my own design; that and an overly developed dislike of authority figures.
Strangely school now, the late hours, the homework, the stress and test anxiety, are all wonderful places for me to develop personally. The kids, my "domestic life" as it is, Eliot's daily appointments with people take an incredible amount of time and energy. It is nice to feel as though there is something just for me. Besides, I really like this amazing stuff I am learning.

Eliot is doing well with three, wait four ladies that come to our house and help him with his sensory issues, social skills, eye contact, waiting skills and the list goes on. The results have been impressive. Eliot has come from a no eye contact, high anxiety place of beginning and has moved to a lot of eye contact, better social skills and a generally happier experience of the world. It is amazing, we are blessed to have had this access for Eliot.

Henry continues to talk and talk...he is like a little man! His imagination is very well developed and the world is his oyster, really it is:)

Matt's job is going very well, he is impressive ( as I knew he would be ) and his bosses are rather bowled over by his 10/10
teacher -evaluation scores from his difficult students. We are fairly sure they will be offering him salary soon. Pheeww, so glad for that.

We are all working hard and feeling hopeful, things are on the up.

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