Monday, March 28, 2011

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. ~Robert Fulg

We spent last week going to the Ymca play group which was really good because event though it is spring, the weather is not cooperating! Henry thoroughly enjoys his jumping time in the bouncy house and of course seeing his friends. Eliot as well loves his practice dribbling and throwing and catching balls - this "ball" thing is his latest love. Looking forward to going to Toronto to visit the Motherland in a couple of weeks:)

We spent last week at the genetics department of Children's having Eliot measured. Dr. J was thorough. The first discovery was that Eliot has a forked uvula, a split or heart shape instead of the usual droplet shape at the backs of our throats. Apparently this is a form of a cleft pallet, genetically that it. We have an appointment with an ear/nose/throat Doctor to see about that and the impact it may be having on his ears. Interestingly, this uvula thing can also have an impact on his speech. Hmmmmm....

As well, we have to double check Eliot's heart as he was born with a PDA - a duct that should close after birth to allow blood flow to the heart etc. We will see a cardiologist to determine if everything healed up the right way. All of these things are to basically rule things out.

Dr. J assured us that this is how they do it, rule things out etc. He was quite interested in Eliot's eyes and how they did not look like Matt or I. We shall see... All of these Genetic things are scary, Fragile X syndrome, Noonan Syndrome and the list goes on...
We are often told with Eliot that has this or has that beginning in utero: Downs, CF and that list goes on. He was born and he was okay, we will hope for the same now.

In other news, I got a chance to do some free lance writing now, I am excited about that. Matt is thrilled about more photography shoots to showcase his talents.

As the quote says, " ...everything else is inconvenience". We just have to be hopeful and be grateful.

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