Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy birthdaze...

We are back from what seemed like a long time gone! Henry and Eliot were amazing, and toddler-ee:) The flight going to Toronto went swimmingly, that is until we ended up in the jet bridge disembarking from our double stroller in the middle of some sort of roaring noise! Both boys immediately burst into tears and insisted that I pick them both up. What was so fantastic is that we had the entire line up of people waiting behind us as I tried to shimmy both boys into their seats in a very narrow aisle. It was fairly painless while in the air as juice and magnadoodles did the trick. I jimmied the pile of luggage and car seats ( think Grinch sled) and the stroller one arm pulling, one arm pushing. The entire time I was whispering to myself, "You are awesome," I am sure many people were admiring my crazyness, ha,ha!

The days following touchdown were difficult as both boys came down with a stomach bug that quickly spread to my Dad. All involved were crotchety and Eliot enjoyed a Monty Pythonian puke that painted the walls, couch, and carpet as our relatives seated in a circle around us watched:0 Needless to say, Eliot felt much better afterwards.

The boys enjoyed some indoor playground time and "Poppie" was great at helping to find things for them to do in the rotten weather( sleet, snow and rain). It was a little tight at home and difficult for the boys to keep out of things and my dad's office. On the whole I was ultra proud of my awesome kids for negotiating a new place while not feeling well.

The flight home was also great except for a d-bag of a security lady who asked me, "How are you gonna do this by yourself?"when referring to me and my screaming brood. Thanks, I thought, are you offering to help? I literally had to shove both boys through the scanner, nice and one point for Mommy! Nothing a little chocolate milk couldn't fix.

And today, a day before both of my little cheese buns turn two I am awed at the struggles they had on this week two years ago to now. I love you, boys. You are my everything:) Now I know why I got a Gemini twin symbol tattoo, number 2 - for my best 2 and my honey, Matt.

Poppie and Henry and Eliot all share the same birthday, April 26th:)

This was Henry
on his actual Birthday:)

Little Eliot at the NICU in
Montreal - he was so sweet and little.

Little Henry with his feeding tube - he still looks
the same:)

The first time I saw my boys while I was on the gurney after my c-section.

The whole gang today! They really do grow~


Kimberley B. said...

happy birthday to your boys, rach! :)

chrisrawk said...

Sounds like a great trip (give or take some puke and tears). Everyone's healthy now?

Rachel said...

Thanks all! @Chris, yep, healthy now ( fingers crossed ),Rxoxox