Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wise are they who have learned these truths: Trouble is temporary. Time is tonic. Tribulation is a test tube. - William Arthur Ward

Ahhh yes, semi-peace this morning. I've brought out the mini-kitchen, a basket of plastic food, and utensils and now the boys are enjoying "coffee" and "cookies" they have skillfully made from their pink blenders.

Matt has survived a week at the new job with a few hiccups on his first day, looks as though it runs as well as other language schools at which he has worked. He is happy to be working, although the boys admittedly miss him like crazy. Eliot is constantly noticing, "Daddy's car" and "working, see you soon". Henry runs like a batouttahell when Daddy comes home.

Last week while hectic, was still fruitful! Shirlee, my mother-in-law sent from heaven, and my brother-in-law Mark equally angelic, came to our rescue for the appointments that required only Eliot's participation and not Henry's. Shirlee AKA Nana, spent some special time with Henry while Uncle and I took Eliot to the May Institute to be re-assessed. I will suffice it to say that the testing process, supposedly the same standardized testing, was so glaringly different it curled my hair! Eliot reacted quite differently this time also, not surprisingly, and I feel as though they ( the docs ) got a very clear picture. Uncle waited for the nearly 3 hours of testing and Eliot could not wait to get out to see him. We will have to wait until August for the results, phewwww.

The genetic appointment went quite well also, Dr. J told us that Eliot has some chromosomal deletions that may or may not be relevant. At this point, Matt and I will be tested by blood to see if we also share those same deletions. If we do, the assumption is that Eliot will be equally crazy:) We are not, at this point, worried.

Tomorrow is the fourth of July and friday was Canada Day. It seems that we will be doing some celebrating this long weekend. Seems like good timing. We are feeling mighty lucky :)

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