Wednesday, July 28, 2010

what people say

Today was a hot, humid mess of a day. For the umpteenth time some well meaning woman said, "Wow, you got yer' hands full there," in a tone mixed with pity and a harumphing youjustwaitandsee kind of feel. This was made all the better by the man next in line at the coffee shop who just looked at me, looked at my boys and shook his head.
I can only imagine what a mother of high order multiples must go through - my experience as a twin mom has me meeting these people and their ( sometimes ) well meaning comments on a daily basis.
I have been thinking of a retort, the best I can come up with is a wry grin followed by, "I feel pretty lucky" and somehow I feel that we can do better than that.
If ya' got any ideas, I would love to hear them.

Night - night for now,

1 comment:

chrisrawk said...

I recommend "Inshallah" as a retort for the kind seeming people. "Praise Jesus" for the ass-hats.