Saturday, September 25, 2010

Leaves are falling, leaves are falling all around...

When I was little the sharp, crisp air, the leaves collecting in crunchy piles along the sidewalks, all heralded new beginning: fall. It was not just that autumn was in swing, it was more. School was starting and the long, lingering days of summer were receding in to the background, this was serious, this was september.
In a flash, even september seems to be flying by.
I love new starts, I remember new notebooks with my perfect handwriting vowing that this year would be the year, this year I would stop being the dreamy look-out-of-the-window student, I would start being the A-plus student.
And what a dream it was, for at least a week:)
I find that our lives are taking that same turn, change, newness, things ready for a new start. Matt still waits to hear back about the many jobs he has been applying for - I believe in him. I know things will be okay, we could just use that good news sooner than later:)
Something about today, the quality of late afternoon sunlight, the blue of the sky and the laughing little smiles from our two lovely boys made me think that we are on the up swing. It just felt that way.
I try to remember to be thankful, to be grateful for all the good and to try and not internalize all of the worry and strife, today that was pretty easy.
Living in the moment, right inside of it is sometimes the key to enjoying life I think. That moment of pavement and rolling plastic cars, children laughing and our family together, I am glad I could savour it, I sucked all the marrow of it, it was delicious.

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