Sunday, October 3, 2010

I should be a tour guide of MEEI...

It has been some time since I have written, I did not want to start sounding like the "hospital lady" as all of my news lately has been health related; I was starting to feel a little as though I was typecasting myself:)
As it stands, and to be brief, Henry had yet another surgery tuesday night, suffice it to say that all looks well now as both eyes have been "re-done" and we are hoping for the best. Ugh! and double ugh!

Now we begin the first week of Matt's non - working and a little part of me is happy as we will get to spend time as a family, and as it turns out, I can get a little "me" time. I am trying to squeeze in a zumba class and perhaps a driving lesson. Weird to be thinking in terms of me and my time, wow, I forgot about how awesome that can be.
I am bone tired, psychically exhausted and hoping that we can catch a break.
Seeing my sister this weekend, fresh from the motherland was great, I love her sooo much.

I will continue to bore with my health talk and my pseudo hopefulness ( wink, wink ) and make small wishes into the night...

1 comment:

Gigi said...

You don't ever bore me!