Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Not so Routine, Routine Surgery

What a day we had yesterday - there is something beautiful about the normalcy of watching my boys play in their tent and haul around toys. After what was supposed to be a "routine" tear duct probing and irrigation/repair for Henry it turned into something a lot more involved!
After arriving at MEEI at 6:00 am, he was prepped for surgery and I went with him while he was put under. All was relatively normal until we found ourselves waiting into the second hour of his "20 minute surgery"...
I met with Henry, my little 16mth old guy, still out and swaddled in the arms of a nurse, a wad of gauze under his nose, both eyes nearly swollen shut, one purpled and beginning to look like Rocky Balboa! He had blood coming out of his nose at intervals and soaking the little piece of gauze, ugh, it was something to see.
Needless to say, I was not prepared for that as I was told that he would not even know what had occurred and would pretty much dust himself off and keep on keeping on...
I felt the colour drain from my face and the nurse telling me to breathe as I held my little guy. He was given morphine twice as he was not dealing with coming out of the anaesthesia very well. He was kicking and wiggling and screaming quite a bit until we were admitted to our own little room. Finally, at long last listening to his Dada's voice reading a story, he fell asleep.
Apparently, it was not as routine as they thought, Dr. Ponytail said that they had run into some issues but had placed stints on either side of his ducts to help drain. THe good news, it's done and his eyes should get better and the tears will have somewhere to go.
Thankfully, Eliot stayed with his lovely Nana who is always there to help us. I really don't know what we would do without her, Eliot was quiet while his twin was away and as Nana relates, missing his bro.

So, today, quiet and restfulness.

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