Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Here, there and everywhere

Yesterday was a test in octo-mom powers! We went to a little parkette on Madison Street, the kids were out in full force taking advantage of Malden's "free lunch" summers for kids. Henry and Eliot took off at full speed in completely opposite directions! I found myself grabbing one in a football hold and running to get the other at break neck speed! Pheewww! My face red and sweaty and now grabbing a handful of t-shirt from each kid, we attempted the small slide structure. This is harder than I thought, I am now thinking of safety vs fun and challenging things for the kids to do. I imagine more of the same grabbing, lunging, running to catch up will continue.
My husband just found out he has an interview at a very good University - this may mean we can be saved from ruin at the end of September. Facing job loss while our finances are already tight, sccccaarrryyy. So, we are all keeping our toes and fingers crossed that all goes well tomorrow.
Sara, our Early Intervention provider is coming over today to make sure that our thriving boys continue to thrive. Both boys were assessed in February and both were found to have delays. Eliot, a speech delay and Henry a fine motor delay. We now see that Henry is speaking at an 18 month old level and has far surpassed his fine motor delay, yes, he is now taking apart bookshelves and turning the tiny little screws, fun! Eliot while quiet, is exactly where he should be. While preemies can exhibit some delays, as seen by my two kids, they can almost certainly outgrow them, too.
Feeling hopeful, let's see what happens next!

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