Wednesday, August 11, 2010

One down, one to go

Woke up today and shower-shared with Matt while we got ready to go. Henry and Eliot and I packed up and left early today, first Eliot was dropped off at my lovely friend Gigi's house to play with Zoe ( kinda like Eliot's girl ) while I took Henry to Mass Eye and Ear Hospital. It was quite a different experience traveling around with one baby, I really felt free and easy, moving my single stroller through the traffic of the T. It was also great knowing that my little Eliot was happy and safe with "Aunty" Gigi, phewwww.

Henry was a social butterfly as usual! When we arrived in the waiting room he proceeded to read and then throw the magazines around on the carpet while he, not so stealthily, absconded with a nice older man's bottle of water! Oh, Henry! My charming little imp only needs to flash his grin and people are instantly charmed. Wait until he's older, jeez!

Our hippie-ish plastic surgeon doctor /ophthalmologist , Dr. Fay, is nice and mellow. He has a lovely blonde pony-tail and very white teeth. He was the young Doctor that removed Eliot's hemangioma at our last visit to the hospital. He related that Henry had epiphora, a conditon that causes an over abundance of tears, or a lack of a drainage system. So, Henry has to be put under due to the sensitive nature of the eyes and his age, ugh! The anaesthesia is more risky than the actual procedure I am sure!
They will root around and figure out what the problem is, it may require temporary stints, or merely pricking the part that needs to be opened up. Guess we will see. At the very least, this one is not a super serious one and takes about 30 minutes and he is good to go, no recovery time at all. Me on the other hand, I may require some very strong alcohol to recover, ha! My little guy going through that makes me crazy - but it needs to be done.

All in all, knowing what to expect has at least made this part a little less worrisome. Early september for Henry and tomorrow - Dr. P and hopefully answers for Eliot!

Rach OUT:)

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