Tuesday, August 10, 2010

White Coat Syndrome

Oh the doctors and the hospitals...We went yesterday to do yet another test on my poor Eliot to determine what the hell is going on with that left kidney of his, ugh! As it turns out, the ultrasound results yielded next to nothing. Eliot has VUR this basically means that his urine backs up into his kidney causing damage. We have been waiting for a while now, since his last stay in the hospital, to see if he will be getting corrective surgery or not. So, yesterday our nephrologist ( kidney doc) said that his kidneys have not grown in size really at all, this is both good and bad. Thursday we meet with our surgeon, Dr. P and see what's going on.
Tomorrow, just to ice my cake, Henry has to go and see a doc about his tear ducts. I feel like I should be able to get a medical degree by mere approximation to these doctors, no?
My awesome friend Gigi will be watching Eliot tomorrow for a few hours while I take Henry in, what a nice friend:)
We have not heard about Matt's job prospects, we are only hoping that we get good news. We could use some right now, that's for sure. Waiting, waiting, waiting, patience, tenacity and frustration? Yeah, a bit - but I am working on the waiting part first.

Breathe...in and then out.

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