Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oh Dr. P. you really P'd me off

Yeah, not such a hot day. I think on scale of shitty days - this is below outhouse:)
Okay. bad joke, but still gotta try and lighten this up a bit, man!
So, we are getting ready to leave today, Matt goes outside to get something from the car and happens to notice a brand new flat tire! Thank-goodness for Uncle Mark who drove all of us to the doctor appointment for the boys with Matt crammed in the back seat between the kid's car-seats. It is really a good thing he is such a skinny man.
We arrived on time and ready with our list of questions determined to find out why the urethral re-implantation surgery has been repeatedly pushed back, why Eliot has had to undergo so many tests to measure his kidney function...we really wanted answers. Uncle Mark was with us and ready to look after the kids while we talk turkey with Dr. P about this whole surgery thing...
"Oh, Dr. P is not feeling well, we will have to re-schedule your appointment" says the receptionist at the desk.
"Are you kidding me?" I reply, "My husband took the day off work, we hired a babysitter ( I admit, a slight fib but still) and what? You couldn't have called before we left? Serioulsy?"
Dr. P sees me in a tither and offers to see us quickly.
"Oh, twins?" he says. Wait for it - this is the man who we have been seeing since February, the same man who did a double circumcision on my boys less than a month ago.
I know that doctors see a lot of kids, but seriously????
The end result for me, for Matt and I is that he is done. That's it - we are getting a second opinion and moving on to more, hmmmm, memorable pastures?
The good news is the flat tire is fixed, the kids are sleeping now and I am going to head out to drink something terribly alcoholic with the ladies tonight, pheew. and then out, in and then out...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You circumsized your boys? Why? (Could this be a new blog subject?)